
Midland Country Club embraces a holistic approach to improving our community and striving for improved sustainability. At Midland Country Club, we feel privileged to support and work hand-in-hand with many local charities. Whether it's our services with Rotary, Cancer Services, Habitat for Humanity, local school functions, Shelterhouse of Midland, or local food pantries, we do all we can to make our community as happy and healthy as possible. Overall, Midland Country Club donates and works with over two dozen charities, accounting for tens of thousands of dollars in donations and hundreds of hours of service each year.
Green Initiatives and Sustainability
ESD Waste2Water Device: Our Golf Course Maintenance facility has a self contained device we use to clean our equipment and help protect the environment. The water and debris flow into a specially designed In-Ground Sump Pit with a sump pump that lifts above ground through a grass clipping separator system. The heavy debris (grass clippings, leaves, etc.) are filtered out and slide into a clipping separator for disposal at a later time. The remaining wash water and fine solids then travel into an above ground solid separator where additional settling can take place. The wash water then flows into the biological wash water treatment system where the system can biologically remove or neutralize the contaminants so the grey water is safe to recycle.
Grease Interceptor: MCC has two grease interceptors that filter our waste water before it enters the general treatment system. Having a double filtration system allows our waste solids to reach an almost untraceable level. The excess food and waste that is filtered and retained in the system is pumped out and recycled regularly.
Water Usage: In 2018 MCC improved our on course irrigation system with individual head controls and satellite capabilities. This combined with regular use of moisture meters allows us to be strategic in our water usage and address course conditions and eliminate unnecessary water waste.
Clubhouse: We use a state of the art HVAC system to keep our energy usage as low as possible. We also use energy efficient light bulbs and recycle as much of our waste as possible.